Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hero Quest Defintions

A hero is a founder of something new. New age, new religion, new city or a new way of life.

Universal/Unique is a representative of every man with a special characteristic that sets him/her apart.

A major flaw means that the hero is special but not perfect.

Call to adventure is when a hero is given a goal or assigned a quest.

Initiation is the hero entering into a strange world and leaving behind the familiar.

Journey is the roads of trails battles and obstacles the hero has to face.

Companions and Friends are sidekicks, partners and support to the hero.

Supernatural Guides provide information, magic or charm and weapons for the hero.

Ultimate Battle is the final test the hero has to undergo.

Transformation is when the hero is altered in some way in the final battle.

Death and rebirth is like out with the old and in with the new.

The boon is the gift of renewal or the reward the hero gets to share.

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