Friday, October 24, 2008


1. Myths are tales of gods, beliefs and expressions of desires. One example of a myth would be Pandora's Box, because it explains why we suffer and why there are diseases in the world.

2. A hero is someone that models human behavior for society. They are universal and sacrifice themselves for something new. An example would be Atlanta and her story about the boar and all the races.

3. A hero Journey is the quest the hero goes on, it involves battles, companions, life out of death, and rebirth. The hero journey is cyclical. Ra would be an example of this because he wakes up each morning to put the sun in the sky.

4. Universal is something or someone that applies to all. It is representative of everyone and is the big picture. An example is duality, how we have good and bad or earth and sky.

5. Archetype is a type or kind of something. Archetype is the structure or foundation of an original model. A hero and their journey would be an example.

6. Cyclical means continuous pattern or repetitive cycle and is unbroken. Again Ra could be an example, how he goes though the same thing everyday just so we can have the sun.

7. Duality is a meaning of opposites, double or a state of twoness. Some examples would be like fire and water, good and bad, earth and sky, or night and day.

8. Creation is an origin of starting something new. Three examples of creation are the void, the watery abyss or the egg. Those are all different ways to be said of how the earth was created.

9. Cosmology is the study of the world and universe. An example is the Genesis from when god created the world.

10. Life from death would be where death in some way creates life itself. An example would be like when we eat animals they die so we can have food to eat to stay alive.

11. Sacrifice is a gift given to the gods or something given in return for something better. Prometheus is an example because he sacrificed himself to a life of suffering so that man could have fire.

12. Matriarchal is a foundation of female power. An example would be mother earth.

13. Patriarchal is a foundation of male power. An example would be father sky.

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