Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse mythology

1. Vikings - is the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe from the late eighth to the early eleventh century.

2. Ginnungagap - was the dark void.

3. Nifleheim - Land of freezing mist and darkness and home of Hel, nine different lands.

4. Muspellheim - was the land of fire.

5. Yggdrasil - the world of Ash tree, connects all of the three worlds.

6. Asgard - was the home of the gods.

7. Midgard - was the land of the humans.

8. Hel - was the home of the dead.

9. Bifrost Bridge - divine bridge the linked between the humans and the gods. An example would be like a rainbow.

10. Ymir - wild, fierce, evil frost giant. Other giants were born from his sweat.

11. Odin - was the oldest and greatest of his brothers and was the god of all gods and humans. He was the storm and night god.

12. Frigg - was the wife of odin, she was the most powerful goddess, cloud spinner, love, destiny, and marriage.

13. The Valkyries -

14. The Norns - were the three fate maidens, past, presant, and future.

15. Thor -

16. Balder

17. Njord

18. Frey

19. Freya

20. Idunn -odin's daughter, goddess of youth and keeper of the golden apples.

21. Loki - son of a giant half blood god, mixed blood with odin and had magic powers.

22. Fenrir - was a wolf destroyer.

23. Jormungandr - world serpent.

24. Ragnarok - was their doomsday, the final battle, good vs. evil and good would fail.

25. Runes

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Creation myth

The Seven Stars
Apparently the seven youths of the world were standing around talking one day. See the seven youths are not sure if they have parents or really who, they belong to. The seven of them were trying to decide what they all could change into. One of them mentioned that they could change into the earth. The wise one of the seven said in truth it is mortal, it would cave in. Another suggested becoming water but still the wise one said no, that it is destructible and will eventually dry up completely. After other attempts to figure out what they should turn into the wise one finally spoke his opinion. The wise one brought up the shining things that live in the sky and the blue sky above never dies. He said let us become stars in that sky because the sky above is never dead.

The Dipper
A wife was found cheating on her husband with a snake. When he saw her doing this he decided to kill her but first he killed all the snakes. The husband and wife had seven children, the husband told his kids to get away so they started to run. When the wife came to her husband in anger because all the snakes were dead, he cut off her head and it started to chase after the seven children. The head yelled, “I will kill all my children.” The kids started to run faster still being chased by their mother’s head. The only girl of the seven kids had an awl, she gave it to the brother and he threw it behind them trying to slow down their mother. The awl bought them three days but the head got past it and continued to chase her children. Then the girl gave her brother flint and he threw it behind them, starting a fire the head got all burnt from the fire but after a while it still got through and continued after the children. The girl kept giving her brother something to delay their mother with, but nothing seemed to hold her. Finally the sister made a ball and said, "Lets play ball." The seven children stood in a circle and threw the ball around. While they were doing that they rose up into the sky and became the Dipper. Their mother’s head could not jump high enough to reach them and they were safe.

“The Seven Stars.” Indian Mythology. Indian Mythology. 2006. 7 November 2008.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hero Quest Defintions

A hero is a founder of something new. New age, new religion, new city or a new way of life.

Universal/Unique is a representative of every man with a special characteristic that sets him/her apart.

A major flaw means that the hero is special but not perfect.

Call to adventure is when a hero is given a goal or assigned a quest.

Initiation is the hero entering into a strange world and leaving behind the familiar.

Journey is the roads of trails battles and obstacles the hero has to face.

Companions and Friends are sidekicks, partners and support to the hero.

Supernatural Guides provide information, magic or charm and weapons for the hero.

Ultimate Battle is the final test the hero has to undergo.

Transformation is when the hero is altered in some way in the final battle.

Death and rebirth is like out with the old and in with the new.

The boon is the gift of renewal or the reward the hero gets to share.

Friday, October 24, 2008


1. Myths are tales of gods, beliefs and expressions of desires. One example of a myth would be Pandora's Box, because it explains why we suffer and why there are diseases in the world.

2. A hero is someone that models human behavior for society. They are universal and sacrifice themselves for something new. An example would be Atlanta and her story about the boar and all the races.

3. A hero Journey is the quest the hero goes on, it involves battles, companions, life out of death, and rebirth. The hero journey is cyclical. Ra would be an example of this because he wakes up each morning to put the sun in the sky.

4. Universal is something or someone that applies to all. It is representative of everyone and is the big picture. An example is duality, how we have good and bad or earth and sky.

5. Archetype is a type or kind of something. Archetype is the structure or foundation of an original model. A hero and their journey would be an example.

6. Cyclical means continuous pattern or repetitive cycle and is unbroken. Again Ra could be an example, how he goes though the same thing everyday just so we can have the sun.

7. Duality is a meaning of opposites, double or a state of twoness. Some examples would be like fire and water, good and bad, earth and sky, or night and day.

8. Creation is an origin of starting something new. Three examples of creation are the void, the watery abyss or the egg. Those are all different ways to be said of how the earth was created.

9. Cosmology is the study of the world and universe. An example is the Genesis from when god created the world.

10. Life from death would be where death in some way creates life itself. An example would be like when we eat animals they die so we can have food to eat to stay alive.

11. Sacrifice is a gift given to the gods or something given in return for something better. Prometheus is an example because he sacrificed himself to a life of suffering so that man could have fire.

12. Matriarchal is a foundation of female power. An example would be mother earth.

13. Patriarchal is a foundation of male power. An example would be father sky.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Cupid and Psyche

Psyche, unlike Cupid, is a mere mortal yet she is so divine Venus herself feels threatened by her. Psyche is the youngest of three daughters of a king. Everywhere men would gaze upon her beauty and wonder and worship but then pass on to marry someone else. One day Venus had had enough, she called upon her son, the god of love, Cupid to strike Psyche with one of his arrows and make her fall in madly in love with something of horror. But even the god of love could himself seemed to be hit with one of his own arrows when his eyes fell on Psyche. He could not follow through with his mother’s plan nor could he not tell her what he did either.

Unfortunately, Psyche did not fall in love at all. Both of her sisters happily married, yet Psyche just grew sad. This started to upset her father and so he set out to ask Apollo for advice. Her father was told to set her on the summit of a rocky hill and left alone. Psyche was carried to her death and sat on the hilltop in the darkness, waiting for the terror. When there she felt a soft sweet air come through the stillness and the breathing Zephyr lifted her up. She felt herself floating away from the hilltop and the gentle wind laid her down in a grassy field where she fell asleep. She awoke at a river side to see a place built for a god. No one was to be seen. All she could hear were voices that helped her every need.

Marriage for Psyche was completely lonely during the day with only the sound of the voices. At night her husband would be with her. Psyche knew by the sound of his voice and feeling him beside her that he was not a monster, and she was happy. Her sisters however were jealous of the way Psyche lived and convinced her to betray her husband they suggested that when he sleeps at night she should look at him. Psyche determined to find out what her husband looked like, waited till he was asleep and lit a lamp to see his face. This is when Psyche saw sleeping Cupid and felt so bad for not trusting him.